Monday, January 13, 2014

Ohh, pretty! Balloons!

From movies to carnivals to birthday parties, people have always loved the festive sight of colorful balloons. Popular with children of all ages everywhere, balloon twisting is yet another party entertainment option. There's just something fun and fascinating about watching a "Twister" manipulate a long (or round) balloon into everything from a simple "dog", to a huge "monster truck", or more!  Admit it cringe, expecting them to "pop" any second.  Actually, although they can -and sometimes do- pop, the balloons that Twisters use are thicker than the ones you buy at the store. They have been specially designed to withstand the rigors of being "pinch and bubble twisted."  Trust me, if they weren't, I'd never have survived my first day of training! Oh, and in case you were wondering, the Twister is always as startled as everyone else when it a balloon pops, but they'll never admit it. "The show must go on! Never let 'em see you sweat!"
Want to be my 4th or July Sweetheart?
 I actually resisted adding balloon twisting to my business for years. I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do it! I knew it was one of those skills when they make it LOOK so easy, and you know darn well it's NOT! They're hard to resist, though, and I eventually decided to give them a try.  I think the hardest part was getting over my OWN fear of popping balloons! Once I did that, I really started having fun learning all the different things you can make. I'm the first to admit I'm a long way from being a "Master Twister"-something that takes years of dedicated learning and practice- but I'm pretty good at the most popular items people request and I'm learning more all the time. You never stop learning a skill like twisting. It's FUN!  Even my 7 year-old Grand-Daughter twists a pretty mean "butterfly"...and she's pretty proud of how fast she can do it.  She got a career ahead of her, if she keeps it up!

They've won HER heart!
So the next time you're thinking about entertainment options for your next event, think balloons! There's a Twister just waiting to surprise you with their amazing skills!

Can I tell you your fortune?
Thomas the MONSTER TRAIN??
It's almost as big as HE is!!

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